Sunday 8 May 2011

Project 2-Getting the laser cuts back

Today we got our laser cuts back and they look awsome, though there was one problem. The acrylic was slighlt thinker than 2mm which means my rods don't fit inside the holes i made and they aren't long enough. It was lucky i made spare rods that were longer just in case. I put together my model leaving the paper with the burn marks from the laser cutter on the card pieces because i thought it look interesting (like a wooden texture) compared to one straight colour and suited my model.
I sanded down the rods to fit into the holes so i could put it all together. It took a long time because the sanding made the suface rough which meant it didnt fit in so easily as the acrylic when it was smooth. It also made the rods nontransparent but one they were in you could see difference.

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