Monday, 11 April 2011

Project 2-Illustartor Laser Cut Profiles

These are my final laser cur profiles produces on illustrator:

Acrylic Profile

I have made enough plane rectaglular faces on the acrylic profile so that i can have 2 for every one card piece.
This mean i will have 9 Card pieces and 18 acrylic this including one clear face for both the front and back. I am very happy with how my card shapes came out as it took a lot of planing to make the face of the deer look realistic when the pieces where placed together. I made the first section a simple cut out of the face shape then second section with a block of card in the center which represents the skulls forehead, this was an important piece which helped make the face appear more 3d as it pops out to the front. The last three pieces where other parts of the face with the last(center) piece only being the eye holes cut. The eye holes are the only aspect which is clear through the entire model, I did this because when you add light the box the light will stream through the two small holes. I added etching on parts of the face to add some texture which was a good decision.

I found making the rods a little hard as i had to make them using exact mesurements so they would fit perfectly as the laser cuter cuts 0.1mm of each side of a line.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Project 2-Progress

I have made a sketch plan of what sort of model i want to design based on my computerised model.
I have drawn different sections that will be placed on top of each other to form a 3D box. The box will consist of card cut into shapes to form a deer face and antlers in between see through acrylic. When the sections are placed together it will look like a box that has something inside. I made each card section have a different extension of an antler each so that when placed together it forms the whole antler shape that will 'pop' out of the main box shape.

There will be enough pieces all together to form a box with a longer length than the size of the front faces edges e.g . not an exact cube. The height of the front face will be higher than the width as a deer face will fit nicely inside without to much excess on the sides. Each dimension of the model will be visually interesting as i will design it to have the back and front the same and the sides will be symmetrical. When looking from the side the antlers that pop out of the model will have a symmetrical shape with the antler pieces starting short and growing higher into the center then down again. I have made many calculation with measurement to figure out the models exact sizing. This includes the clear rods that will slot inside holes on each face to hold the box together. I decided to make rectangular acrylic rods instead of using round steel rods to they would not be seen as much. This is because I wanted to keep the idea of the box being see through.

I am happy with my design and will start to design at this point and now will begin to create each piece on illustator.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Project 2-Progress-Sketch Models

Here are some sketch models i have made based on what i want my design to look like. They have helped me figure out if my model will look efective and how i am going to put it all together. These are five photos i took of them:

Monday, 4 April 2011

Project 2-Introduction

We have started Project 2 and this was our task:

"Your challenge is to translate and develop your textured iteration from experiment one into
a physical artefact, through the use of laser cutting. You will first need to design how your
model will be divided into 2D profiles and then how the 2D pieces from the laser cutter are
transformed into a 3D construction."

We are given one piece of 2mm acrylic and one piece of 1mm card.
I have chosen to design my most simplest and original version of my model (the basic deer face and antlers)

Here are some draft sketches which are some basic ideas i have for a model. I have sketched multiple different ways i could make my model look effective and exploring ways i could put it together: