Thursday 9 June 2011

Project 3- The 3D Model

I have brought my 3D model from the school shop and now have to clean it. When i first got i i thought it wasn't my model as it was covered it a hard gel but i then realised it was inside as this was a protection gel, embarasing. I start pulling the gel away gently then using a toothpick get into the edges of my model to take it out of the small area, what an effort. I then soak my model in  a 2% Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) aqueous solution to soften the gel. I left the model in the solution for about an hour taking it out regularly and scraping the gel of with a tiny metal wire.

Finally it it clean and gel free! I decided to keep the model the colour it is (clear with a slight cream tinge making it slightly less transparent) because it suits the idea of being antlers and i want to take the photo of it on a dark background to relate to my presedents. Here is my final Hi-Resolution image of my model:

Here are some other images of various sides of my model:

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